Computer Skills: MS Office (Excel VBA), MatLab, AutoCAD,DraftSight, Step7(sl/pl toolboxes), Simatic TIA Portal v12-17, GX-Works(Mitsubishi), RSlogix(5,500,5000,Designer), FactoryTalk Studio, CX-One(Omron), Quartus_II(VHDL/VERILOG), MSVisualStudio, Eclipse,CMAKE, C, C++, pyhton
Control Systems by Manufacturer
Experienced in:
Pico, 850, 810, PLC 5, SLC500s and 5000 controller families
RSLogix 5, RSLogix 500, RSLogix5000, Logic Designer(v21+), Connected Components Workbench
FactoryTalkView(ME and SE), FTViewPoint.
SmartGuard Safety
Experienced in:
200, 300, 400 PLC Families
840d SL/PL (siemens training)
Step7 and Portal (12-15)
WinCC Flexible, WinCC Comfort, ProTool
Sinamics S120, SimoDrive 611, Micromaster
Experienced in:
Mitsubishi Meldas (500, 5000), Mazak.
Melsoft (Q,FX) GXWorks 2-3
Mitsubishi FR VFDs
GOT1000, GOT2000 HMI Families
Experienced in:
NSJ5 PLC/HMI with all attachments
NE1A, G9SP Safety (+Software)
CX-One (Developer, Programmer, Network Config)
Vision Systems
Cognex (+ In-Sight Explorer (v3 to 6) on various sensors)
Keyence (IV,CV), OpenCV, Omron
Robotic Loaders
Yaskawa Motoman (DX 100, DX 200)
ABB (IRB series)
Fanuc, KUKA (familiarity)
Proficient with: ProfiBUS, ModBus, DeviceNet, ProfiNet, ControlNet, InterBUS, CTNet, EthernetIP.